4 Quotes & Sayings By Ferguson Fartworthy

Ferguson Fartworthy is a self-published author who has been writing since the age of thirteen when he wrote his first novel. He has written over one hundred short stories, novellas, and novels including the award winning The Journey Home.

Amy Bellini and Sasha Tibbles traipsed down the aisle and wriggled into the back seat, Amy right next to me. Her damp brown hair flicked in my face as she turned to make herself more comfortable. I didn’t mind. I wouldn’t admit this to ANYONE, but I think she’s not quite as weird as the rest of the girls. Ferguson Fartworthy
Like some huge, mutant chicken— I sat there hatching a...
Like some huge, mutant chicken— I sat there hatching a gas-egg the size of a planet. Ferguson Fartworthy
Principal Totty was one of those people who frown while...
Principal Totty was one of those people who frown while they’re speaking, and then smile at the end of each sentence. It was weird. It was like there were two different people inside her brain. Ferguson Fartworthy